The Baby Jesus Butt-plug
Jesus Lives (in your ass).
Job 41:1-3
2 Can you put a cord through his nose
or pierce his jaw with a hook?
3 Will he keep begging you for mercy?
Will he speak to you with gentle words?
(Yes I know, it's a bible quote but how awesome is that whale?)
The Way To Succeed And The Way To
Suck Eggs!
This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with
Plunge from the height, O Man, and interlock with
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace;
the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the
Word of Double Power-ABRAHADABRA!-is
the sign of the Great Work, for the Great
Work is accomplished in Silence. And behold is
not that Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer.
whose Sigil is {Cancer}?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own
end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is per-
fect in itself.
Little children, love one another!
What a fucking weirdo he was! Hurray for weirdos!
Back to the USSR
In the lovely, lovely time of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain, the authoritarian regimes of the USSR banned the import of records from the West. Jazz and Rock n' Roll were considered as corruptive capitalist influences. Whatever. The people wanted music, the people got music. Certain ingenious rockers in practically every country on their side of the Iron Curtain spoke louder than words when they started printing records on discarded x-ray plates. These records wore out more easily but were also cheaper and there was practically no way to control their circulation. Thus our rocking brethren in the East said a loud "Fuck You!" to their oppressors. How's that for sticking it to the man?
Radio Free Vestibule - I don't want to go to Toronto
I don't want to go
All of the blocks are square
None of the streets are twisted
None of the streets are paved with bricks
There's too many elevators in Toronto
Not enough stairs in Toronto
Not enough stairs
All of the food in Toronto is made of edible oil products
They don't have bagels in Toronto
They have doughnuts
Doughnuts made of edible oil
I don't like doughnuts
They don't have bagels
I don't want to go to Toronto
People don't have faces in Toronto
They have cigarette ads instead
They listen to your phone calls
There's a tower in Toronto that controls people's minds
It's illegal to possess brightly coloured balloons in Toronto
Illegal to own brightly coloured balloons
All of the children in Toronto must wear suits
Even the girls
Three piece suits
The buildings in Toronto have no windows
I don't want to go
Everyone lives in subterranean caverns
Filled with doughnuts made of edible oil
I don't want to go
Nobody goes to the bathroom in Toronto
They have a special operation
They have it removed surgically
There's a tax on all wicker goods in Toronto
There's huge buildings with no windows
And streets with no curves
And inside you find little girls in suits
Running around with black balloons
And munching on edible oil products
The kids don't have names
They have numbers which are assigned to them at birth
They're called three hundred and eighty seven point seven
Four hundred and twelve point nine
And they all have cigarette ads instead of faces
I don't want to go to Toronto
I don't want to go
I have plenty of wicker goods
I don't want a tax on my wicker goods
I like going to the bathroom
I don't want to go the hospital
I don't want to go to Toronto
I don't want to go
Do I have to go to Toronto?
Do I?
Do I have to go?
I don't want to go
Do I have to go to Toronto?
I don't want to go
Why is his head so big?
Squee! got us closer.
Fillerbunny got me a kiss with you.
Thank you Johnen Vasquez.
All the way to Jacob
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
Jason the Freemason
Speaking of piggies...
...some of the oil companies we buy fuel from play a major role in supporting the junta in Burma. This is where you can make a difference. Sign's global call to boycott Total Oil and Chevron gas stations (with subsidiaries such as Elf and Texaco, truly the scum of the land) until either real democratic reform happens in Burma, or these companies stop funneling money to the current regime.
Boycott and sign the pledge, so that Avaaz can show the companies just how many customers they're losing by continuing to support the Burmese regime.
To add your name and learn more about the boycott, click here.
If not us, who, if not now, when?
This calls for a celebration.
Sack of Potatoes
This would be a perfectly normal picture -if rather unusual- had the old man not been talking with the sack of potatoes.
Now, there are several things wrong with the above sentence. For example, why would an old man -in fact, why would a man, woman or child of any age- strike up a conversation with a sack of potatoes, or any kind of container full of vegetables for that matter. However, that could probably be attributed to the old man's senility or dementia (or loneliness I suppose). The other concept that seems wrong, is that he was talking with it and not to it. People do generally tend to talk to inanimate objects, threaten or cajole them if they don't work, curse them when they bang their little toe against them etc. However, they generally never get a reply or at least not one that can be helpful or understood. And they certainly don't expect one.
This old man, on the other hand, was having a rather casual chat with this sack of potatoes. I suppose in a way that's tragic, or at least a bit sad. Poor old guy, so demented and senile, not only was he asking the sack of potatoes what it thought about the weather, he was expecting -and in his head also getting- an answer.
Of course the sack of potatoes never did reply. Or in fact perceive, let alone understand, the question directed at it. It was -in a very anthropomorphic sense- oblivious to the old man. This was not due to lack of trying. Neither arrogance. It was rather due to the combined effect of growing up underground and in the dark and, well, being a mass of vegetable cells with no discernible anatomy, sensory apparatuses or a processing system -central or otherwise- and therefore functioning at a very distinctly different cognitive level of consciousness. Should the sack of potatoes be able to understand the old man and be able to produce a coherent response, it is almost certain that it would be more than happy to indulge in some friendly, casual banter.
Alas, the old man and the sack of potatoes would never truly communicate.
(Several years later and after the old man had died, a very giggly fairy -we suspect she was stoned- granted the sack of potatoes' wish and turned it into a real boy)
They may take our lives but they may never take us seriously
What follows is pretty much a direct translation from a post on Even though it is a greek blog, I think the message is relevant to all, especially europeans and americans.
"Terrorist threats, circulation of radical ideas and recruitment from anti-establishment groups is the pretext that the two biggest political parties in Greece are using to pass a new war-against-terrorism bill in accordance with the European Union. According to this bill, the National Intelligence Agency will be responsible for surveilling the web with the purpose of anti-terrorism enforcement."
In other words, welcome ruffian, goodbye freedom. Goodbye freedom of speech, goodbye freedom of ideas, goodbye freedom of thought. We can't allow this. Spread the news. Do something.
Anathema of Zos (The Sermon to the Hypocrites)
He died poor and alone in some shitty basement in London, I think.
He has spawned many weirdos over the years. Bless his wretched soul.
Here is an excerpt from his work Anathema of Zos (which by the way is very reminiscent of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zaratustra):
Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses called devotion, Zos satisfied the habit by speaking loudly unto his Self. And at one time, returning to familiar consciousness, he was vexed to notice interested hearers-a rabble of involuntary mendicants, pariahs, whoremongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent sick-grotesques that obtain in civilisations. His irritation was much, yet still they pestered him, saying:
And seeing, with chagrin, the hopeful multitude of Believers, he went down into the Valley of Stys, prejudiced against them as
O, ye whose future is in other hands! This familiarity is permitted not of thy-but of my impotence. Know me as Zos the Goatherd, saviour of myself and of those things I have not yet regretted. Unbidden ye listen'd to my soliloquy. Endure then my Anathema.
Foul feeders! Slipped, are ye, on your own excrement? Parasites! Having made the world lousy, imagine ye are of significance to Heaven?
As I said, fucking weirdo. In the nicest possible way though.
Rides out believer with the spliff aflame
Follow the smoke to-uh the riff-filled land
Drop…out of life with bong in hand
Follow the smoke to-uh the riff-filled land
Burning your black flags
I been reekin' of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
The Unbearable Curse of Being an Autocondimentor (or how to betray yourself by expecting too little)
-Single or return?
-Single please, I'm not coming back.
-Are you running away from something?
-Yes, myself.
-I beg your pardon?
-Well you can't have it.
-You will be.
-Are you crazy or are you high?
-Both. Now drive, ignorant slave drone!!!
Work nine to five
Monday through Friday I'm singing
I sing the blues for you
Now I'm standing in the pouring rain
My feet are cold but I cant complain
And I wonder how you have been
I need you love I miss you so
I know it's right but it's always strange
How I scream
All this life's worth all the while
Heartache and slave driving pain
I sing the blues for you
Now I'm standing in the pouring rain
My feet are cold but I can't complain
And I wonder how you have been
I need you love I miss you so
I know it's right but it's always strange
-Mastodon, We Built This Come Death
And now, it's time for us, to give a little love, back to God
Love me two times, baby
Once upon a time there was a little girl...
No let's start again.
There was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead...
No that's not it either.
There are people and there are stories. They happily live with each other and in each other. They help each other grow. They watch and love each other. They help each other evolve and multiply. Because angels love to multiply.
Where I'm going, there are sheep. No, don't laugh, I'm going somewhere with this. See I feel like the Little Prince with a sawn-off shotgun, I love my beautiful rose and if any sheep dare to fuck with my beautiful little rose I will spray-paint the canyons with their brains. In the nicest possible way.
I'll sell my soul, my self esteem
a dollar at a time for one chance, one kiss
one taste of you my Magdalena
- A Perfect Circle, Magdalena
Love me two times, baby
Love me twice today
Love me two times, girl
I'm goin away
Love me two times, girl
One for tomorrow
One just for today
Love me two times
I'm goin away
Love me one time
I could not speak
Love me one time
Yeah, my knees got weak
But love me two times, girl
Last me all through the week
Love me two times
I'm goin away
Love me two times
I'm goin away
-The Doors, Love me two times
I feel blessed. Not because you love me. That's priceless but entirely up to you. I feel blessed because I got the chance to love you.
Κι εμένα θα μου λείψεις
Winds with Hands
Victim eugenics
Bleed your broken back
Spill blood
You may never die
Run with death, follow
We made you, workhorse
To serve
To run and follow
Du hast...
Du hast mich...
Du hast mich...
Du hast mich gefragt...
Du hast mich gefragt...
Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt.
It's raining ash today
Insert catchy and slightly moody title here
Get a job. To get more money. To get a car. To get to work.
Make more money. Make some babies. Make them miserable. Make yourself happy.
Do your duty. Do your work. Do my dirty work scapegoat. Do tell.
Go figure. Go with the flow. Go lie down for a bit. Go fuck yourself.
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from ?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong ?
Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near.
Look at him working. Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
She will die
There once was a king with three beautiful daughters. Each one was more beautiful than the sky itself. The first sold her soul to the devil in exchange for eternal life and beauty in fear that she would grow old and her beauty would wither. She became a fertility goddess in deep dark Africa. The second bedded with an angel and gave birth to a son. Then she turned into a tree. Her son climbed on her, grew wings and flew away. She still stands there, roots in the ground, leaves in the sun. The third one, became a whore. She sold her beauty by the pound to anyone who would buy it. She fell in love with a young man who couldn't care less about her. She died miserable and alone, but the oh-so merciful gods gave her a second chance to life. They turned her into a flower that matched her human beauty.
And Georgia O' Keefe drew a picture of her.
A Glasgow kiss
All things are pocket sized if your ass is big enough.
All other things considered equal, fat people use more soap.
Oh, fuck this, I can't be bothered now...
Come see my cage, built in my grave
When I die I ain't goin' to heaven... good.
The best parties are thrown in hell... good.
when you're a dumbass, beligerent fucker -Tool
Hermetically shut
My Wall
And I do survey the land
And I did become the Reaper with my own bare hands
For I am Wodan,
Though, some call me Hermes,
Some call me Roman Mercury,
God of cargos,
God of weather,
Hanging God of boundaries,
Hanging God of Gibbet Hill
Killing God of hidden doorways.
Perhaps it's just the way the light falls
But everything looks like a target to me
And I don't know where the gun is
But I'm certain that it's pointed at me
And in the jungle, wretched jungle
They say the lion eats tonight
And all around it is a colliseum
Dripping with a voracious appetite
I say hey there, fella
Whose soul are you tormenting now?
Hey there, fella
Whose soul are you tormenting now?
In the course of all the previous events
It is evident that something's bound to happen
Come on, rear your ugly head to me
I've got nothing to lose but my apathy
The root of the problem has been isolated
The root of the problem has been isolated
The root of the problem has been isolated
The root of the problem has been isolated
Come on, motherfucker
Come on, motherfucker
Come on, motherfucker
Let's throw down
Anything Jesus Does I Can Do Better
This is a picture of two mating leopard slugs. They are both hermaphrodite and that phosphorescent blue flower that seems to be growing out of both of their heads is their entangled penises.
That's right they're exchanging semen and they have their dicks on the side of their heads. You should see this in motion (get a copy of David Attenborough's 'Life in the Undergrowth' NOW!!!) it is beautiful beyond words.
Oh! and the whole thing is happening upside-down while hanging from a rope made of their mucus.
Every single time I am dumbfounded...
Here you go ya ignorant bastards! Enlighten yourselves! Click here to commence the slug-shagging!
Feel-bad hit of the Winter (He who accepts all that is offered)
With some dark and obscure connotations
We want kisses and hugs
Like hermaphrodite slugs
Yet we need no divine approbations
They say all good things are eleven
Tonight we make love like we're brethren
We demand sacrifice
Simple love wont suffice
For tonight we wage war against heaven
Hush little baby...
Exit light, Enter the night
I don't know how to say this...
I suppose the best way would be to just say it...
I... I... I don't...
I don't have anything to bitch about!
I know I know, there's plenty of things to bitch about, but I don't feel like it...
Finally, things are falling into place and the universe is conspiring with me and not against me.
Dodge Swinger 1973, Galaxy 500,
All the way stars' green, gotta go.
Dodge Swinger 1973, top down, chassis low,
Panel dim, light drive, Jesus on the dashboard.
T-minus whenever it feels right, Galaxy 500.
Planets align, a king is born.
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
Dodge Swinger 1973, top down, chassis free,
Buzz Aldrin, Armstrong, or maybe just me.
Don't worry, it's coming.
Don't worry, it's coming.
Jesus on the dashboard.
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
I turn on the radio.
Hey kid, are you going my way?
Hop in, we'll have ourselves a field day.
We'll find us some spacegrass,
Lay low, watch the universe expand.
Skyway, permanent Saturday.
Oh, by the way, Saturn is my rotary.
Hop in, it'll be eternity
Till we make it to M83.
Once around the Sun, cruising, climbing.
Jupiter cyclops winks at me, yeah, he knows who's driving.
Hit neutral in the tail of a comet.
Let the vortex pull my weight.
Push the seat back a little lower.
Watch light bend in the blower.
Planets align.
A king is born.
Dodge Swinger.
Jesus on the dashboard.
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
Whenever it feels right
T-minus whenever it feels right...
Why do you cry when something breaks?
A duvet is just a blanket, not comfort, nor love, a blanket. A sofa is planks of wood and cushions. Not a problem solved.
Let go. Just let go. And then you might have a near-life experience.
Ah! The world I see...
A hand is a saviour. A messiah brought on by your desperate cries. It lifts the burden of emptiness and wipes your stigmata clean of sorrow.
A door is a passage. Neither here nor there. In between.
A mouth is a haven.
In the end, the house always wins. But you don't have to play against the house. Oh for a Dartswinger, my kingdom for a Dartswinger.
The things you own, end up owning you...
I hope he gets gonorrhea
May he lose but one ball
And his dick, shrink and fall
For having this horrendous idea
Avast ye scurvy dogs!
There was an old pirate who was fluent in Thai
Who walked on a peg-leg and saw with one eye
He sailed many seas
Caught a venereal disease
But tragically choked on a pie
The cucumber suicides
There was a cucumber
With a fetish for lumber
Who was often the victim of strife
People called him a veggie
Gave him many a wedgie
And sadly, he took his own life
Under your bed
The ghouls that are under your bed
They come from the Land of the Dead
They know you're alone
But don't whimper or moan
They'll leave just as soon as they've fed
It's more than just a game...
The rest is circumstance, priorities and possibilities.
There was a small boy
With a devious ploy
To rid this poor world of its sorrow
Above or underground
He still hasn't found
A nuclear device he can borrow
I hope she will be mine...
Stone Sour - Omega
What a skeletal wreck of man this is
Translucent flesh and feeble bones
The kind of temple where the whores and villains
Try to tempt the holistic tomes
Running rapid with free thought to free form
In the free and clear
Where the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a laundromat
To sift and focus on the bigger, better, now
We all have a little sin than needs venting
Virtues for the rending
And laws and systems
And stems ariff from the branches of office
Do you know what your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose?
Or purposely serve?
Lying down inside of your attavistic galore
The value of a Summer spent
And a Winter earned
For the rest of us there is always Sunday.
The day of the week that reeks of rest
But all we do is catch out breaths
So we can wade naked into the bloody pool
And place our hand on the big black book.
To watch the knives zig-zag between our aching fingers.
A vacation is a count-down
T-minus your life and counting
Time to drag your tongue across the sugar-cube
And hope you get a taste
What the FUCK is all this for?! (What the hell is goin' on?!)
I could go on and on, but, lets move on shall we?
Say, you're me and I'm you
And they all watch the things we do
And like a smack of spite
They threw me down the stairs
Haven't felt like this in years
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse
Let me go and
Punch me into the dead spot again.
Thats where you go when theres' no one else around
It's just you
And there was never anyone to begin with now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards
With their thumb on the pulse
And a finger on the trigger
CLASSIFIED MY ASS! that's a FUCKING secret and you know it!
Government is another way to say
It's like ice but no pick
A murder charge that won't stick
It's like a whole other world
Where you can smell the food
But you can't touch the silverware
Hah, what luck
Fascism you can vote for
Isn't that sweet
And we're all gonna die some day
Because thats the American way
And I've drunk too much
And said too little
When your gaffer taped in the middle
Say a prayer, save face
Get yourself together and (see whats happening)
I'm sorry, I could go on and on but
It's time to move on, so
Remember your a wreck, an accident
Forget the freak, you're just nature
Keep the gun oiled and the temple clean
Shit, snort and blaspheme
Let the heads cool and the engine run
Because in the end,
Everything we do
Is just everything we've done.
I am so full of anger (and nicotine)...
And pasta and chocolate and epithelial cells...
Alex receives the bitchslapping like a gentleman, although he clearly isn't one...
I have been called stupid, ugly, an asshole I have even been called a bright young man (don't worry the guy who said it is dead, I made sure he was), my sexuality has come into question and people have said bad things about my family.
But nothing...
hurts as bad as being rejected by a chick you like...
Go on, roll eyes and speak bullshit, at least half the population of this planet knows what I'm talking about.
Bitchslapped all the way back to the beginning of time and space...
Now to find a funky picture...
Ooooh yeah... That's more like it... I feel a bit better now...
Fling that pork-griller son... Fling it like you mean it...
I wanna burn stuff...
Tony blows...
Oh yeah! You suck on that, you naughty boy! Oooooh, you do it well!
Sorry, had to do that...
Found this new site a couple of days ago,, great training ground for wannabe hackers, teaches you alot if you have the patience...
I can hear you thinking: "What is he going to rant about now?" (I can also smell your brains). Well my filthy little poop-minions, here it is: Isn't christianity getting a bit old? I mean, do we still have to take seriously people that consider "intelligent design" a valid theory about how the world became what it is today?
"Intelligent design" is an oxymoron, creationists are actually proof that whatever it was that may have designed them, was clearly fucking thick and supra-retarded.
And of course, at the very front, the vanguard of idiocy and retardation, the flag-bearers of belligerent stupidity and titans of ignorance, the Americunts!
What kind of people argue for creationism being taught to children, and why are they not dead yet? Why do we let these people poison the minds of the young and impressionable, why do we let them kill their imagination and replace the natural urge for asking questions and doubting with a load of ignorant bullshit?
Why do I have to come across people who still want to argue against evolution? Why have they not been exiled yet? Why have they not met their maker yet? Please DIE!!!
FUCK!!! If I had a penny for every stupid christian I met, I would have as many pennies as there are christians. Stupid fucks, holding the rest of humanity back...
Fuck off and die already...
Another sorrow...
A new year... whoop-dee-fucking-doo... like anything is going to change anytime soon... Raytheon built a microwave weapon for the Pentagon (cough-scumfucks-cough) which can give protesters the sensation of burning skin in order to break up protests (how democratic!).
I sure wish I had one... and boy-oh-boy would I have targets to turn it against... can anyone smell bacon?
And while we're on the subject of burning pigs... boy that RPG-7 sure fuckin' hurt didn't it? Now all I see in the papers and news is a bunch of little american piggies aided by our homegrown swine, running about terrified: "We have no evidence, we can do jack-shit! Some of these greeklanders are actually free-thinking people! Whu... Whe... We... can't... control them... aaahhh!"
Ahhh! The sweet, fragrant aroma of sizzling hog-flesh... One can only hope... I'm a dreamer, hope I'm not the only one...
Piss on you... and piss on your law...
It's been awhile...
Tool and Mastodon came, saw and conquered... and they jammed Lateralus together (from trustworthy sources, they only did this in Zurich and Athens) and they RAWKED!!!
Of course, greek misery always finds the grey points to comment on, nevermind the fact that we watched a really good concert, "they always do it better abroad"...
Anyway, fuck them, I enjoyed it...