She will die

There once was a king with three beautiful daughters. Each one was more beautiful than the sky itself. The first sold her soul to the devil in exchange for eternal life and beauty in fear that she would grow old and her beauty would wither. She became a fertility goddess in deep dark Africa. The second bedded with an angel and gave birth to a son. Then she turned into a tree. Her son climbed on her, grew wings and flew away. She still stands there, roots in the ground, leaves in the sun. The third one, became a whore. She sold her beauty by the pound to anyone who would buy it. She fell in love with a young man who couldn't care less about her. She died miserable and alone, but the oh-so merciful gods gave her a second chance to life. They turned her into a flower that matched her human beauty.

And Georgia O' Keefe drew a picture of her.

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