
Lick my pussyasscockshit...
There, I said it, it's out in the open...
On to more important stuff (that involve things).
I have come to believe (and I base this on absolutely no evidence at all) that every human being (probably every living thing) has a neural network somewhere in its nervous system that makes it think it is the proverbial shiznit. I feel I should comment further on that, however, someone has said the things I want to say far better than I ever could (and this happens often) :
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are made of the same decaying, organic matter as everything else. We are all part of the same compost heap. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. -Tyler Durden
To put it more bluntly (oh yeah, that's the pride), YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL!!! Pull your head out of your ass (I bet you can see your own tonsils) and start listening to what other people have to say. Accept no teachers (noone can teach you better than yourself) but always remember that someone will be smarter and more right than you, so listen to what they have to say even if you don't agree with it or like it. You're not special, noone is. I know your mummy told you you are, so did mine, but she's your mummy, she's biased.
A different, more optimistic approach is that we're all special, which is a different way of saying: noone is. Either way, if you think you're the shit, think again and remove the definite article.
I know I might sound bitter, cruel and heartless but that's probably because I am, so there...
In the end, even if you agree with me or I agree with you the fact remains that our opinions (and everybody else's of course) are almost entirely inconsequential. Remember that even if you can convince someone that your opinion or way of viewing things is right (I'm so happy for you) it doesn't necessarily make it so. It doesn't make it so even if you manage to convince every single sentient entity in the entirety of all existence. So kindly sit back, relax, have a nice cup of shut-the-fuck-up and listen to what other people have to say instead of just waiting for your turn to speak.
Kisses and hugs from a pissed off cunt.

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