Can somebody clean this monkey shit please?

Right. So what can I say that hasn't been said better than the people in Lebanon writing in their blogs. What else can I say without sounding gratuitous or like a crazed fundamentalist or even an antisemite. I know. Fuck what you think. Fuck Israel and every single Israeli who justifies this in any way. Fuck you, you are wrong, you neo-Nazi scumfucks, you will die the death you deserve. You will die in the hands of a raging muslim shiite 'martyr'. He wont go to heaven or anything. But wherever he goes, he'll fucking take you with him.
Fuck you USA. Fuck your Mr. President. Fuck your slow, fat, dumb, ignorant, guilt-free citizens. You are one of the wealthiest nations in the world and instead of educating yourselves and others, you kill yourselves and others. Fuck you, you deserve whatever happens to you. I hope one day every NRA member will lay hard on the handgun they keep under their pillow and blow their miniscule brains out. I hope the god you believe in exists and fuckin' hates you.
Fuck the American Jews that protest without even knowing what they're protesting about. CNN is not news you fuckwits. It's filtered according to republican/conservative/cunt opinions until it becomes a twisted shade of reality. Pizza for soldiers? You fucking shitholes! When was the last time you cared about what an african child has for dinner? Fuck african children. When was the last time you bought a pizza for a hobo? Pizza for a soldier... You make me sick! I hope all the pizzas get through, get salmonela and all your soldiers get food poisoning. Cunts.
Fuck you Europe. Fuck you for mumbling shit about cease-fire. You should be shouting 'Genocide!'.
Fuck everyone who shows pictures of Israeli children. Fuck you. When did the life of an Israeli child become more valuable than that of a Lebanese or Palestinian child?
Fuck you UN. Fuck you for being a puppet and a walk-on part when you should have been the master and lead-role. Your silence and awkwardness embarasses me. Your role was to prevent countries from invading other countries. You failed. You are useless. Fuck you.
Fuck every single soldier who believes and fights for the lame-ass excuses of all those who perform inequities.
Fuck every single motherfucking cuntish scumfuck who puts the pictures of bloody children, crying mothers, panic-stricken people and shattered lives and dreams in my reality. Fuck you. I didn't ask for this you fucking cunts!
But I'm not going to bitch and moan, I'm going to binge and purge. If push comes to shove. If this becomes bigger. I'll fuckin' fight too. For all the injustices.
Remember, judge for yourselves, don't believe what they tell you, in fact don't believe me. Find out for yourself. If you've got more than half a brain cell you'll see this is an invasion. Crime in the global scale. And like all criminals Israel must be punished.
Fuck you...

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