Makin' Bacon

Mmm... bacon.

Some time ago I discovered a really cool piece of software. It's called RPG Maker VX and it's part of a family of programs that are essentially game engines for RPGs. You can determine the content and the mechanics of the game in any way you please. In effect you can make your very own RPG. Need I say that this is awesome? NEED I? HUH?

Anyway, I played around with it for a while and let me tell you I enjoyed it. Also, I made part of a game. Which I will attach at the end of the post for your perverted pleasure. You perverts. You sickos. You disgust me. Get out of my house. What's that, you're not in my house? Shut up! SILENCE!

My game has a rudimentary plot and a few quests. Those of you with a particular ethnic background will get the references and the game's immature title, the rest of you will have to wallow in your ignorance pool. Go on, wallow. You filthy, dirty wallowers, with your disgusting, perverted wallowing. You make me sick, what are you doing in my house again?

So... Download the game if old-school RPGs are your thing, run the file and then when it extracts run the Game.exe. Scan it first, I didn't put anything in there intentionally but you never know what kind of internet assmonkey has crawled in there and laid its putrescent shitspawn. I haven't encrypted the files of my game so if you care for that kind of thing, get your stinky selves a copy of RPG Maker VX and try and make your own game or fuck mine up if that's your messed up kind of tea. Mmmm... teabags.

But I digress, this is a very preliminary version, it will grow eventually, especially now that I've managed to run RPGMVX on Linux. It will grow and grow until it collapses under the weight of its own awesomeness. And then it will grow some more. So this is a long term plan. It will by no means be a commercial effort and there will be no pressure for it to finish any time soon. But enough of this pointless banter.

Pull my finger.

And just in case any of you get any shitty ideas (Shame on you, I'm not angry, just dissapointed):

Creative Commons License
Kakakia by abbax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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