Anathema of Zos (The Sermon to the Hypocrites)

Austin Osman Spare was a fucking weirdo. To say the least. He was an automatic writer and painter. He was also considered a magician by many. His dabbling with the occult is well known and as Terry Pratchett would put it "it wasn't so much dabbling as it was barging in and demanding to see the manager". His writings and drawings can be seen here.

He died poor and alone in some shitty basement in London, I think.

He has spawned many weirdos over the years. Bless his wretched soul.

Here is an excerpt from his work Anathema of Zos (which by the way is very reminiscent of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zaratustra):

Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses called devotion, Zos satisfied the habit by speaking loudly unto his Self. And at one time, returning to familiar consciousness, he was vexed to notice interested hearers-a rabble of involuntary mendicants, pariahs, whoremongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent sick-grotesques that obtain in civilisations. His irritation was much, yet still they pestered him, saying: Master, we would learn of these things! Teach us Religion!

And seeing, with chagrin, the hopeful multitude of Believers, he went down into the Valley of Stys, prejudiced against them as Followers. And when he was ennuye, he opened his mouth in derision, saying:-
O, ye whose future is in other hands! This familiarity is permitted not of thy-but of my impotence. Know me as Zos the Goatherd, saviour of myself and of those things I have not yet regretted. Unbidden ye listen'd to my soliloquy. Endure then my Anathema.

Foul feeders! Slipped, are ye, on your own excrement? Parasites! Having made the world lousy, imagine ye are of significance to Heaven?

As I said, fucking weirdo. In the nicest possible way though.

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