Another sorrow...

A new year... whoop-dee-fucking-doo... like anything is going to change anytime soon... Raytheon built a microwave weapon for the Pentagon (cough-scumfucks-cough) which can give protesters the sensation of burning skin in order to break up protests (how democratic!).
I sure wish I had one... and boy-oh-boy would I have targets to turn it against... can anyone smell bacon?
And while we're on the subject of burning pigs... boy that RPG-7 sure fuckin' hurt didn't it? Now all I see in the papers and news is a bunch of little american piggies aided by our homegrown swine, running about terrified: "We have no evidence, we can do jack-shit! Some of these greeklanders are actually free-thinking people! Whu... Whe... We... can't... control them... aaahhh!"
Ahhh! The sweet, fragrant aroma of sizzling hog-flesh... One can only hope... I'm a dreamer, hope I'm not the only one...

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