Flinging the Monkey (or Watching the Watchers)

It has been two wretched years since I have cursed the interweb community with this audiovisual abomination that some of you may call a blog (Ha!). It also has been a while since I spilled any kind of venomous bile at your general direction and you should be thankful (you insolent sapheads!). Fear not my faithful, grovelling minions. I am here, ever watchful of your misdemeanors and your certain deviations from the shining path of monster-trucks.

It has recently come to my attention (what kind of benevolent despot would I be, had I not my trusty ruffians) that I am being watched. Shut up! I am not paranoid! I have proof! I hope some of you actually watched the documentary on the history of spanish anarchism and enjoyed it, I know I did. It appears though, that someone didn't. Namely Google. Apparently, the word anarchism must trigger some kind of detection mechanism at their HQ warning them about potential... gasp!... terrorists!
Pathetic, just sad. In fact it's so nauseatingly miserable I'm not even going to comment on it... Oh wait... I already did.
Anyway, here are the IPs my blorg (oh yeah, it's a blorg from now on) was accessed from. If I lose privacy by being watched over whenever someone doesn't like what I say, I think it's only fair they loose some in return.

Have fun!

Oh and: anarchism, bomb, anthrax, meatpies.

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