To Make Soap, First We Render Fat

Unless of course you make your soap by cold process soapmaking like I did. This is the fourth batch I've ever made. It's coloured with blue food dye (I know it's purple, I clearly haven't perfected my soap colouring techniques yet) and it smells like a fifty megaton lavender bomb. It also has POTPOURRI!!! I wasn't shouting, this is how you pronounce POTPOURRI!!! Anyway, it's up on the curing rack now and in about four weeks someone will be rubbing their bodaciousness with the Lavender Bomb (and scratching themselves with POTPOURRI!!!). If this sounds daunting, it isn't, you should try making your own soap, it's quite empowering. POTPOURRI!!!

Revenge of the Jackalope

Abandon all ye faithful
Abandon all ye hope
Abandon all ye faithful
It's the day of the Jackalope
Clutch - Day of the Jackalope