Tony blows...

Oh yeah! You suck on that, you naughty boy! Oooooh, you do it well!

Sorry, had to do that...
Found this new site a couple of days ago,, great training ground for wannabe hackers, teaches you alot if you have the patience...

I can hear you thinking: "What is he going to rant about now?" (I can also smell your brains). Well my filthy little poop-minions, here it is: Isn't christianity getting a bit old? I mean, do we still have to take seriously people that consider "intelligent design" a valid theory about how the world became what it is today?
"Intelligent design" is an oxymoron, creationists are actually proof that whatever it was that may have designed them, was clearly fucking thick and supra-retarded.
And of course, at the very front, the vanguard of idiocy and retardation, the flag-bearers of belligerent stupidity and titans of ignorance, the Americunts!
What kind of people argue for creationism being taught to children, and why are they not dead yet? Why do we let these people poison the minds of the young and impressionable, why do we let them kill their imagination and replace the natural urge for asking questions and doubting with a load of ignorant bullshit?
Why do I have to come across people who still want to argue against evolution? Why have they not been exiled yet? Why have they not met their maker yet? Please DIE!!!

FUCK!!! If I had a penny for every stupid christian I met, I would have as many pennies as there are christians. Stupid fucks, holding the rest of humanity back...
Fuck off and die already...

Another sorrow...

A new year... whoop-dee-fucking-doo... like anything is going to change anytime soon... Raytheon built a microwave weapon for the Pentagon (cough-scumfucks-cough) which can give protesters the sensation of burning skin in order to break up protests (how democratic!).
I sure wish I had one... and boy-oh-boy would I have targets to turn it against... can anyone smell bacon?
And while we're on the subject of burning pigs... boy that RPG-7 sure fuckin' hurt didn't it? Now all I see in the papers and news is a bunch of little american piggies aided by our homegrown swine, running about terrified: "We have no evidence, we can do jack-shit! Some of these greeklanders are actually free-thinking people! Whu... Whe... We... can't... control them... aaahhh!"
Ahhh! The sweet, fragrant aroma of sizzling hog-flesh... One can only hope... I'm a dreamer, hope I'm not the only one...

Piss on you... and piss on your law...

It's been awhile...
Tool and Mastodon came, saw and conquered... and they jammed Lateralus together (from trustworthy sources, they only did this in Zurich and Athens) and they RAWKED!!!
Of course, greek misery always finds the grey points to comment on, nevermind the fact that we watched a really good concert, "they always do it better abroad"...
Anyway, fuck them, I enjoyed it...